Parhaat online-ABSN-ohjelmat | (2024)

Hoitotyön nopeutettu kandidaatti (ABSN) -ohjelmat, joita joskus kutsutaan toisen asteen hoitotyöohjelmiksi tai nopeutetuiksi hoitotyöohjelmiksi, antavat toisen alan kandidaatin tutkinnon suorittaneet ansaita hoitotyön kandidaatin (BSN) tutkinnon, yleensä alle kahdessa. vuotta. Useimmat edellyttävät fysiologian, ihmisbiologian, mikrobiologian tai muita kursseja. Olipa kyseessä henkilökohtaisesti tai verkossa, ABSN-ohjelmat ovat tiukkoja, mutta monet opiskelijat pitävät nopeaa etenemistä hoitotyön tutkintoon sen arvoisena.

Tässä oppaassa kuvataan parhaat nopeutetut hoitotyöohjelmat, kuinka hakea ja mitä odottaa. Jos harkitset uran vaihtamista hoitotyön pariin, tutustu tarkemmin tämän hyödyllisen tiedon avulla.

Käytämme atietoihin perustuva menetelmäSijoittaaksesi parhaat online-ABSN-ohjelmat, mikä helpottaa sinulle sopivan ohjelman löytämistä. Metodologiamme perustuu mittareihin, joilla uskomme olevan opiskelijoille eniten merkitystä, mukaan lukien akateeminen laatu, kohtuuhintaisuus, maine ja ohjelmatarjonta.

Suositeltu online-RN-to-BSN hoitotyöohjelmissa

Kuinka online-ABSN-ohjelmat toimivat?

ABSN-ohjelmat vaativat tiettyjä ennakkokursseja joko osana olemassa olevaa perustutkintoa tai jotka suoritat ennen ABSN-ohjelmaan tuloa. Monet koulut edellyttävät, että opiskelijat ovat suorittaneet nämä pakolliset kurssit tietyn vuosien kuluessa, jotta tietosi perustuvat uusimpiin tieteisiin ja havaintoihin.

ABSN-ohjelmat ovat yleensä nopeatempoisia. Jotkut ohjelmat estävät opiskelijoita tekemästä työtä opiskelun aikana, kun taas jotkut vaativat erityisesti, että opiskelijat eivät tee muuta työtä opiskelun aikana. Sinulle parhaiten sopivan nopeutetun hoitotyön ohjelman tulisi olla sellaisessa tahdissa, jonka voit hallita.

Hakeminen online-ABSN-ohjelmaan

Vaikka opiskelijat, joilla on kandidaatin tutkinto mistä tahansa aiheesta, voivat hakea online-ABSN-ohjelmaan, tutkinto, sivuaine tai merkittävä kurssityö sairaanhoitoon liittyvissä aiheissa ovat erityisen hyödyllisiä sisäänpääsyssä. Näitä ovat usein biologia, kemia, fysiologia, kansanterveys tai psykologia.

  • Pääsymateriaalit

    Opintosuoritusotteet; muiden korkeakoulutason kurssien kopiot; vähintään kaksi viittausta; rikollisen taustan tarkistus; hakemus esseellä tai henkilökohtaisella lausunnolla

  • GPA-vaatimus

    Tyypillisesti 3,0 tai korkeampi. Joissakin ohjelmissa on erityiset arvosanavaatimukset esitietokursseille.

  • Muu vaatimus

    Vaadittavat kurssit, kuten ihmisen anatomia, korkeakoulutason matematiikka tai mikrobiologia joko osana perustutkintoa tai erikseen. Koulut voivat edellyttää, että tieteelliset kurssit ovat tuoreita (3–5 vuoden sisällä) ja vähimmäisarvosana.

Miksi online-ABSN-ohjelman akkreditointi on tärkeää?

Akkreditointion tiukka prosessi, jolla arvioidaan ohjelman laatua ja sitä, onko valmistuneilla tietoja ja taitoja harjoittaa hoitotyötä turvallisesti. Tämä suojaa kaikkia mukana olevia, myös sinua, minkä vuoksi sinulla on oltava tutkinto akkreditoidusta ohjelmasta saadaksesi sairaanhoitajan lupakirjan.

Useimmat akkreditoidut hoitotyöohjelmat eivät hyväksy siirtopisteitä akkreditoimattomasta ohjelmasta. Akkreditointi on niin tärkeää ohjelman arvon kannalta, että tämä parhaiden online-ABSN-ohjelmien opas sisältää vain akkreditoidut ohjelmat.

Lisätietoja parhaista online-ABSN-ohjelmista ja -kouluista

Katso meidänmetodologiasaadaksesi lisätietoja siitä, kuinka luomme sijoituksiamme.

Nämä sijoitukset sisältävä on mainoksilla tuettu sivusto. Suositellut tai luotettavat kumppaniohjelmat ja kaikki koulujen haku-, haku- tai hakutulokset ovat kouluille, jotka maksavat meille korvauksen. Tämä korvaus ei vaikuta koulumme sijoituksiin, resurssioppaita tai muihin tällä sivustolla julkaistuihin toimituksellisesti riippumattomiin tietoihin.kumppaneiltamme. Käytämme julkisesti saatavilla olevia väliaikaisia ​​tietojoukkoja Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) -tietojärjestelmästä näiden koulujen tietojen välittämiseen. Kaikki tiedot ovat ajan tasalla tämän artikkelin julkaisupäivänä. Ohjelmakohtaiset tiedot voivat vaihdella.

#1 Parhaat online-ABSN-ohjelmat

Keski-Floridan yliopisto

  • Orlando, FL
  • 4 Vuotta
  • Online + kampus

TheKeski-Floridan yliopistotarjoaa yhden osavaltion parhaista nopeutetuista hoitotyöohjelmista. 30 opintopisteen opetussuunnitelma sisältää joustavan verkko-oppimisen, jonka avulla rekisteröidyt sairaanhoitajat (RN:t) voivat työskennellä samalla, kun he suorittavat hoitotyön kandidaatin tutkinnon (BSN).

Hakijat saattavat pystyä siirtämään jopa 29 opintopistettä ja voivat suorittaa ohjelman jo kolmen lukukauden kuluessa.

Keskimääräinen perustutkintomaksu


4 478 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

19 810 dollaria

Keskimääräinen jatko-opiskelu


6 916 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

25 759 dollaria


91 %


44 %

Ilmoittautuneita opiskelijoita


Laitoksen tyyppi



59 %

Prosenttiosuus kaikista verkossa ilmoittautuneista opiskelijoista.



Southern Association of Colleges ja Schools Commission on Colleges

#2 Parhaat online-ABSN-ohjelmat

Wisconsin-Madisonin yliopisto

  • Madison, WI
  • 4 Vuotta
  • Online + kampus

RN:t, joilla on sairaanhoitajan tutkinto (ADN) tai sairaanhoitajan tutkinto, voivat ansaita BSN:nsä verkossa osoitteessaWisconsin-Madisonin yliopisto. Ohjelma vaatii 24-30 opintopistettä, ei sisällä UW:n yleissivistävää opintopistettä. Osa-aikainen opetussuunnitelma huipentuu 60 tunnin kliiniseen kokemukseen opiskelijan valitsemassa paikassa.

Keskimääräinen perustutkintomaksu


9 273 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

36 333 dollaria

Keskimääräinen jatko-opiskelu


10 728 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

24 054 dollaria


95 %


54 %

Ilmoittautuneita opiskelijoita


Laitoksen tyyppi



18 %

Prosenttiosuus kaikista verkossa ilmoittautuneista opiskelijoista.



Higher Learning Commission

#3 Parhaat online-ABSN-ohjelmat

Pohjois-Floridan yliopisto

  • Jacksonville, FL
  • 4 Vuotta
  • Online + kampus

ThePohjois-Floridan yliopistoNopeutetun hoitotyön kandidaatin (ABSN) -ohjelman avulla RN:t voivat suorittaa kandidaatin tutkinnon verkossa noin vuodessa. Etäopiskelijat suorittavat 30 opintopistettä omien aikataulujensa mukaan ja voivat jatkaa työskentelyä. Kurssin aiheita ovat akuuttisairaanhoito, terveydenhuollon etiikka, tieteelliset todisteet työpaikalla ja hoitotiede.

Keskimääräinen perustutkintomaksu


3 996 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

16 799 dollaria

Keskimääräinen jatko-opiskelu


8 978 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

20 517 dollaria


83 %


72 %

Ilmoittautuneita opiskelijoita


Laitoksen tyyppi



57 %

Prosenttiosuus kaikista verkossa ilmoittautuneista opiskelijoista.



Southern Association of Colleges ja Schools Commission on Colleges

#4 Parhaat online-ABSN-ohjelmat

Allen College

  • Waterloo, IA
  • 4 Vuotta
  • Online + kampus

Yhteistyössä UnityPoint Health-Waterlooon,Allen Collegetarjoaa BSN:n kampuksella nopeutettuna ohjelmana ja online-RN-to-BSN:n. Molempien ohjelmien opetuksessa yhdistyvät työselostus laajoihin kliinisiin tunteihin, jotka etäopiskelijat voivat suorittaa paikallisessa yhteisössä.

Keskimääräinen perustutkintomaksu


17 612 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

17 612 dollaria

Keskimääräinen jatko-opiskelu


17 040 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

17 040 dollaria


Ei sisälly


Ei sisälly

Ilmoittautuneita opiskelijoita


Laitoksen tyyppi



82 %

Prosenttiosuus kaikista verkossa ilmoittautuneista opiskelijoista.



Higher Learning Commission

#5 Parhaat online-ABSN-ohjelmat

Saint Louisin yliopisto

  • Saint Louis, MO
  • 4 Vuotta
  • Online + kampus

Katolinen, jesuiittaSaint Louisin yliopistotarjoaa online-BSN-siltaohjelman RN:ille. 55 opintopisteen RN-to-BSN voidaan suorittaa opiskelijoiden omaan tahtiin kuuden nopeutetun kahdeksan viikon aikana. NCLEX-RN-kokeen läpäisypisteet ja aikaisempi hoitokokemus voivat olla jopa 38 opintopistettä.

Keskimääräinen perustutkintomaksu


44 700 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

44 700 dollaria

Keskimääräinen jatko-opiskelu


20 880 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

20 880 dollaria


91 %


58 %

Ilmoittautuneita opiskelijoita


Laitoksen tyyppi



12 %

Prosenttiosuus kaikista verkossa ilmoittautuneista opiskelijoista.



Higher Learning Commission

#6 Parhaat online-ABSN-ohjelmat

Oklahoman osavaltion yliopiston pääkampus

  • Stillwater, ok
  • 4 Vuotta
  • Online + kampus

RN:t voivat ansaita BSN:n verkossa osoitteessaOklahoman osavaltion yliopisto9-12 kuukaudessa. OSU:n RN-to-BSN-ohjelma hyväksyy vain siirtoopiskelijoita ja tarjoaa maksimaalista joustavuutta työskenteleville sairaanhoitajille.

Oppijat voivat suorittaa 30-35 opintopisteen opetussuunnitelman koko- tai osa-aikaisesti, mukaan lukien huippukiven ja kaksi kurssia kliinisillä kokemuksilla opiskelijoiden valitsemissa paikoissa.

Keskimääräinen perustutkintomaksu


5 366 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

20 877 dollaria

Keskimääräinen jatko-opiskelu


5 531 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

21 034 dollaria


83 %


70 %

Ilmoittautuneita opiskelijoita


Laitoksen tyyppi



42 %

Prosenttiosuus kaikista verkossa ilmoittautuneista opiskelijoista.



Higher Learning Commission

#7 parhaat online-ABSN-ohjelmat

Tennessee-Knoxvillen yliopisto

  • Knoxville, TN
  • 4 Vuotta
  • Online + kampus

Suunniteltu RN:ille, joilla on sairaanhoitajan tutkinto tai tutkinto ja jotka haluavat ansaita BSN:n.Tennesseen yliopisto, Knoxville'sRN-to-BSN sisältää täysin verkko-oppimisen.

34 opintopisteen ohjelman joustavat aloituspäivät, koko- tai osa-aikaiset opiskeluvaihtoehdot ja virtuaaliset kliiniset komponentit mahdollistavat opiskelijoiden valmistumisen yhdessä vuodessa.

Keskimääräinen perustutkintomaksu


11 332 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

28 522 dollaria

Keskimääräinen jatko-opiskelu


11 468 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

29 656 dollaria


87 %


79 %

Ilmoittautuneita opiskelijoita

29 460

Laitoksen tyyppi



36 %

Prosenttiosuus kaikista verkossa ilmoittautuneista opiskelijoista.



Southern Association of Colleges ja Schools Commission on Colleges

#8 Parhaat online-ABSN-ohjelmat

Länsi-Carolinan yliopisto

  • Cullowhee, NC
  • 4 Vuotta
  • Online + kampus

Online RN-to-BSN -raita osoitteessaLänsi-Carolinan yliopistokestää vain neljä lukukautta osa-aikaisesta ilmoittautumisesta. Opiskelijat voivat jatkaa työskentelyä etäopiskelun ohessa.

WCU järjestää 30 opintopisteen ohjelmansa lohkoihin, joiden aiheina ovat yhteisön terveys, johtaminen, hoitotyön ammatilliset siirtymät ja tutkimus.

Keskimääräinen perustutkintomaksu


1 000 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

5 000 dollaria

Keskimääräinen jatko-opiskelu


4 435 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

14 842 dollaria


78 %


69 %

Ilmoittautuneita opiskelijoita


Laitoksen tyyppi



41 %

Prosenttiosuus kaikista verkossa ilmoittautuneista opiskelijoista.



Southern Association of Colleges ja Schools Commission on Colleges

#9 Parhaat online-ABSN-ohjelmat

Georgian eteläinen yliopisto

  • Statesboro, GA
  • 4 Vuotta
  • Online + kampus

Täysin verkossa oleva BSN osoitteessaGeorgian eteläinen yliopistoantaa RN:ille mahdollisuuden suorittaa perustutkintokoulutuksensa ja jatkaa samalla työskentelyä. Ohjelma sisältää joustavat kliiniset työajat, koko- tai osa-aikainen läsnäolo ja yksilöllinen neuvonta.

Kurssi sisältää yhteisön terveydenhoitotyötä, johtamista ja johtamista, hoitotyön tutkimussovellusta ja sairaanhoitajan ammattia.

Keskimääräinen perustutkintomaksu


4 371 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

15 425 dollaria

Keskimääräinen jatko-opiskelu


4 977 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

19 890 dollaria


78 %


54 %

Ilmoittautuneita opiskelijoita


Laitoksen tyyppi



41 %

Prosenttiosuus kaikista verkossa ilmoittautuneista opiskelijoista.



Southern Association of Colleges ja Schools Commission on Colleges

# 10 parhaat online-ABSN-ohjelmat

Midwayn yliopisto

  • Midway, KY
  • 4 Vuotta
  • Online + kampus

Midwayn yliopistotarjoaa täysin verkossa toimivan ABSN-ohjelman toimiville RN:ille. Kurssi keskittyy ammatilliseen hoitotyön teoriaan ja monimutkaiseen kriittiseen ajatteluun sekä johtamisen harjoituksiin.

Midwayn etäopiskelijat voivat tavata hoitohenkilökuntaa henkilökohtaisesti tai puhelimitse, sähköpostit*e tai zoomilla milloin tahansa tukea tarvitsevansa.

Keskimääräinen perustutkintomaksu


24 500 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

24 500 dollaria

Keskimääräinen jatko-opiskelu


6 240 dollaria

Osavaltion ulkopuolella

6 240 dollaria


69 %


60 %

Ilmoittautuneita opiskelijoita


Laitoksen tyyppi



73 %

Prosenttiosuus kaikista verkossa ilmoittautuneista opiskelijoista.



Southern Association of Colleges ja Schools Commission on Colleges

Usein kysyttyjä kysymyksiä online-ABSN-ohjelmista

Mitä eroa on ABSN:n ja BSN:n välillä?

ABSN-ohjelma perustuu olemassa olevaan kandidaatin tutkintoon ja kurssin edellytyksiin, jotta voit ansaita BSN:n paljon nopeammin. Useimmat henkilökohtaiset tai online-ABSN-ohjelmat kestävät 1-2 vuotta, kun taas BSN kestää neljä vuotta.

Ovatko nopeutetut sairaanhoitajatutkinnot sen arvoisia?

ABSN-ohjelmat ovat nopeatempoisia ja useimmat ohjelmat suosittelevat tai edellyttävät, että et työskentele kurssin aikana. Se, onko tämä sen arvoista, riippuu olosuhteistasi ja tavoitteistasi.

Kuinka kauan hoitotyön nopeutettu kandidaatin tutkinto kestää?

Useimmat ABSN-ohjelmat kestävät yhdestä kahteen vuotta, ja monet ovat käynnissä noin 16 kuukautta. Saatat kuitenkin joutua suorittamaan ensin joitain edellytyksiä, varsinkin jos et ole opiskellut sairaanhoitoon liittyvää alaa tai käynyt niillä kursseilla kauan sitten.

Voitko täyttää ABSN:n verkossa?

Monet koulut tarjoavat online-ABSN-ohjelmia, mutta sinun on suoritettava kliiniset tunnit henkilökohtaisesti. Varmista, että löydät paikallisen sijoittelun tai voit matkustaa sijoittelusivustolle.

Tutustu muihin hoitotyöohjelmiin

Parhaat online-ABSN-ohjelmat | (2024)


How to succeed in online nursing school? ›

7 Tips for Online Nursing School Success
  1. Establish a regular daily routine. ...
  2. Create a working space. ...
  3. Don't skip the introductory material for your courses. ...
  4. Connect with fellow students. ...
  5. Connect with your instructors. ...
  6. Find varied learning strategies. ...
  7. Don't neglect self-care.
Sep 26, 2020

Is nursing school harder online? ›

Once you've found an accredited online nursing school, your next question will likely be, “Is nursing school online hard?” The short answer is yes: nursing school is hard, regardless if you take classes in person or from home.

How do you succeed in ABSN? ›

7 Nursing School Tips from an Accelerated BSN Student
  1. Hold Yourself Accountable. ...
  2. Make Studying a Habit. ...
  3. Show Up Prepared. ...
  4. Learn From Your Mistakes. ...
  5. Set a Schedule (and Goals) ...
  6. Take Advantage of Additional Learning Opportunities. ...
  7. Use the Counseling Services Available to You.
Sep 30, 2022

Is ABSN worth the money? ›

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows registered nurses earn a median annual wage of $77,600. Even if you attend a more expensive ABSN program and pay over $100K for your degree, after two or three years, you will begin to see a positive Return on Investment, indicating the cost of an ABSN degree is worth it.

How to pass nursing school easily? ›

10 Study Tips That Will Make Nursing School Easier
  1. Follow the nursing exam study guide. ...
  2. Focus on the material covered in class. ...
  3. Think in terms of action, not facts. ...
  4. Form a study group. ...
  5. Skim-read first. ...
  6. Use outside sources. ...
  7. Know your learning style. ...
  8. Use downtime as study time.

What is the hardest thing to learn in nursing school? ›

Pharmacology, Microbiology, and Anatomy & Physiology each have a well-earned reputation for being difficult to pass. Some students may find Cardiology, Chemistry, or even Mental Health especially trying.

What is the easiest class in nursing school? ›

The Easiest Classes in Nursing School
  • Social Sciences (Intro Psychology, Sociology, etc.)
  • Humanities.
  • Intro to Speech (or Communication)
  • English Composition.
  • History.
  • Using Information Technology.

Can an average student become a nurse? ›

To start nursing school, you don't need any prior nursing experience or healthcare education. All you need is a high school diploma or GED. Once you are accepted, your journey to RN begins! You can become an RN in 2 to 4 years by studying for an associate's degree (ASN) or bachelor's degree (BSN).

What is a good GPA for nursing school? ›

GPA requirements depend on the type of nursing program you want to apply for, but most programs require at least a 3.0 GPA or higher. However, due to the competitive nature of nursing programs, most schools prefer a 3.7 to 4.0 GPA.

How to pass nursing school exams? ›

  1. Time Management. To be successful in nursing school, you must manage your time appropriately. ...
  2. Get Organized. ...
  3. Use Mnemonics. ...
  4. Study Everyday. ...
  5. Complete Practice Questions. ...
  6. Participate in a Study Group. ...
  7. Focus on course objectives when studying. ...
  8. Know your learning style.

Is an ABSN the same as a BSN? ›

Traditional BSN programs are for students who have no previous college experience, and they require only a high school diploma. ABSN programs are designed to accommodate students who already have non-nursing degrees or, at the very least, enough college credits to qualify for admission.

How to excel in nursing school? ›

10 Tips for How to Be Successful in Nursing School
  1. Learn How to Study Efficiently. Adaptation is the key here. ...
  2. Establish a Routine. ...
  3. Be Organized. ...
  4. Treat Nursing School Like Your Full-Time Job. ...
  5. Ask Questions. ...
  6. Study with Peers. ...
  7. Remember Your Why. ...
  8. Rely on Family and Friends.
Jan 25, 2022

Is a BS in nursing worth it? ›

More Comprehensive Education & Better Patient Care

All nursing programs will teach you the basics on providing clinical care, but nurses with a BSN are exposed to curriculum that covers communication, critical thinking, and leadership—all essential skills if you want to move up in your career as a nurse.

Is nursing school even worth it? ›

Why is nursing school worth it? There are many perks that a nursing career has to offer you professionally and personally. The desire to help others motivates many people to enter the profession, making it a very rewarding career choice. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to grow and learn constantly.

Is ADN to BSN worth it? ›

Both ADN and BSN degrees prepare nurses for entry-level roles. However, a BSN degree is designed to offer more career opportunities for upward mobility, and that comes with a bigger paycheck. The starting salary for a registered nurse with a BSN can be, at the beginning, similar to what an ADN nurse earns.

How many hours a day should I study for nursing school? ›

How many hours a day should I study for nursing school? Everyone is different, but in general, it is recommended that nursing school students study anywhere from 2-4 hours a day. Committing class material to memory is essential to becoming a registered nurse, so the more time studying, the better!

What is the key to answering nursing test questions? ›

Carefully read the entire question. Don't rush through it or stop halfway through because you assume that you know what's being asked. Reword the stem to make it easier to understand, and answer the question. Look for hints or key words, such as most, all, first, best, primary, initial, always, and never.

Why can't I pass nursing school? ›

Not being fully invested in the course work, not dedicating enough time to studying, being extremely stressed, or not using the proper study methods can contribute to a nursing student's inability to pass their courses. Ultimately leading to them failing out of their nursing program.

Is it common to fail nursing class? ›

Many nursing schools require a minimum grade of roughly 80% to actually pass, as well. By the time you realize you aren't doing well enough to be successful in the course, the choices can be pretty limited. Failure happens all the time. It happens every day...

What is the hardest part of the NCLEX? ›

Let's look at the 16 most common challenges NCLEX candidates face and ways you can overcome them.
  1. Second-Guessing Your Abilities. ...
  2. Changing Answers Repeatedly. ...
  3. Reading Questions Too Fast. ...
  4. Cramming Before the Test. ...
  5. Not Using the Right Study Tools. ...
  6. Not Getting Enough Rest Before the Test. ...
  7. Reading Too Much into a Question.

What is the hardest nursing exam? ›

The National Council Licensure Examination, or NCLEX, is a critical exam that every nursing student must take to become a licensed nurse. Passing the NCLEX is essential to begin your nursing career, but it is also one of the most challenging exams you will ever take.

What's the best nursing degree to get? ›

The BSN is the nursing degree that most employers prefer, and it provides graduates the best career opportunities straight out of school. The minimum requirement for many nursing positions these days is a BSN.

What is the average age of a RN student? ›

The average age of ADN nursing students at community colleges is 26-40 years old. BSN programs have an average age of early-mid 20s. Students in RN-to-BSN programs are typically in their late 30s.

What is the average age of a RN? ›

Key Nursing Statistics

44 years old is the average age of a registered nurse. 69.6% of all nurses in the United States are white. Black or African American nurses make up 11.4% of the total number of nurses, with Hispanics representing 8.8% and Asians at 7.9%.

Is it too late to study nursing at 40? ›

Older adults, both men and women, wanting to join the nursing profession can bring wisdom, life experience and relatability to the aging population. It is never too late to start life as a nurse if you're willing to embrace new technology, study hard and demonstrate resilience.

Can I become a nurse with bad grades? ›

Yes, getting into nursing school with a low GPA is possible. Many colleges put preference on the SAT or the ACT over GPAs. If you have a low GPA, you may want to focus on doing well on these exams. Some colleges have an open admission process, meaning they take anyone with a high school diploma or GED.

What is the first thing you learn in nursing school? ›

One of the first things you will learn in nursing school is to ask questions. You will see that asking questions or reaching out for clarification and support is a common theme in nursing school. Remember, you are not alone in the journey, and once you graduate, you will be starting a gratifying career.

What is the lowest GPA accepted to nursing school? ›

What Is the Lowest GPA for Nursing School? The majority of nursing schools require GPAs of at least 3.0. However, some schools will accept GPAs as low as 2.0.

How many test can you fail in nursing school? ›

If they fail, they'll need to wait 45 days before retesting. After failing three times, though, they'll need to complete a board-approved remediation program before the next retake. test-takers have six attempts to pass in total.

What happens if I fail the nursing entrance exam? ›

You can retake the exam as soon as 45 days after your first attempt and take it up to eight times in a year. Also, the majority of states have no time limit on when you need to pass the NCLEX after graduation. The remainder give you a few years to pass the exam.

How hard is the nursing school test? ›

Nursing school exams are challenging for almost everyone. They'll test not only your knowledge of course material, but also your ability to apply this information in a patient scenario. Developing a solid study plan and knowing what to expect on test day can go a long way toward passing these difficult exams.

What are BSN nurses called? ›

BSN is an undergraduate degree which stands for Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Completing a BSN program is one way to start your career in nursing and obtain your RN license. While technically all BSN graduates are RNs—at least if they take the RN licensure exam and practice nursing—all RNs aren't BSNs.

What is the highest paying nurse? ›

What is the highest-paid nurse? Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists! Earning $195,610 annually, CRNAs earn significantly more than any other type of nurse or nursing specialty.

Is MSN harder than BSN? ›

MSN programs are usually more difficult to get into than BSN programs, and more prestigious MSN programs are especially competitive. Applying to an MSN program also requires nursing experience.

What skills do you need in order to excel at being a nurse? ›

Top 10 skills nursing students need to succeed
  • Confidence. ...
  • Ability to connect the dots. ...
  • Critical thinking. ...
  • Relation-based care. ...
  • Leadership. ...
  • Lifelong learning. ...
  • Think like a nurse. ...
  • Work well with colleagues.

How do you write a nursing entrance essay? ›

7 Tips to Write an Effective Nursing School Essay
  1. Plan Your Nursing School Essay. ...
  2. Make Yourself Stand Out. ...
  3. Share Your Dreams. ...
  4. Show that You Care about People. ...
  5. Explain Your Qualifications. ...
  6. Tell the Admissions Committee Why You Want to Go to Their School. ...
  7. Have a Friend Edit Your Essay.
Sep 15, 2022

Is nursing Bachelor hard? ›

Nursing requires more dedication than many other careers. However, it's one of the most rewarding jobs you can have. Nursing school is notoriously difficult—and it's not for everyone. Graduate school is challenging as well.

How do you know if nursing is not for you? ›

So, ask yourself how caring are you of other individuals and their needs. In order to be a good nurse, you have to deeply care about people. If you are one of those types of people who just worry about themselves and do not really concentrate on how to help others, then nursing really is not for you.

Is a BS or BSN better? ›

While both undergraduate degrees will provide a strong academic foundation, a BS is a more general science degree while a BSN prepares graduates specifically for furthering their careers in nursing.

Is nursing school a lot of math? ›

Nursing in the "real world" generally requires very basic math skills, but almost all programs require at least one college-level math class — usually algebra. Some nursing schools may require a basic statistics course as well, so if you know what schools you're applying to, be sure to check for this requirement.

Is 35 too old to start nursing school? ›

The answer is that going back to school to earn your nursing degree is an incredibly rewarding experience; you're never too old to become a nurse!

Do you have to be smart to get into nursing school? ›

Nursing requires a variety of skills, including empathy, critical thinking, communication, and more. You do have to be smart for nursing school, but “smarts” aren't limited to just getting good grades. There are different types of intelligence that play an important role in getting through nursing school.

Do hospitals prefer BSN over ADN? ›

Many hospitals favor hiring nurses with a BSN because they can reach the IOM's recommendation without losing ADNs who are close to retirement age. If hospitals do hire nurses with an associate degree, they may require them to complete a BSN program within two to five years.

What is the hardest semester of nursing school ADN? ›

Health Assessment: the hardest semester of nursing school

Health assessment will likely be one of the initial courses you'll take in nursing school, and it involves delving into the various body systems and learning how to assess patients from head to toe.

How many times can you take the Nclex? ›

Frequently Asked Questions About the NCLEX

According to NCSBN rules, you can take the NCLEX eight times a year with 45 days in between attempts.

Is it OK to study nursing online? ›

The short answer is an emphatic yes! It is possible to get a nursing degree online. You can earn a variety of nursing degrees online from Ohio State, ranging from a Bachelor of Science in Nursing to a Doctor of Nursing Practice.

What is the fastest and easiest way to become a nurse? ›

What is the fastest path to becoming an RN? The fastest way to become an RN is through an RN diploma program, which can be completed in as little as a year. While completing this program does not lead to a degree, it does make the individual eligible to take the NCLEX and earn their RN license.

How to survive nursing school while working? ›

5 Tips for working while in nursing school
  1. Review the time commitments in your life. ...
  2. Consider a part-time school or work commitment. ...
  3. Reach out to your support system. ...
  4. Design a schedule and routine. ...
  5. Remember to take care of your well-being.
Jun 24, 2022

Why is it so hard to pass nursing school? ›

Why is nursing school so hard? The top 6 challenges of earning a BSN include the rigorous curriculum, fast pace, need for multitasking, time commitment, personal sacrifices, and NCLEX preparation. However, despite these rigors, it's possible to rise up and master how to succeed in nursing school.

Can nurses make money online? ›

Nurses can make extra money from side gigs such as telehealth care, freelance medical writing, and tutoring nursing students. You may also choose a side hustle that isn't based on your nursing skills, such as making and selling crafts on Etsy, completing online surveys, or playing legit game apps that pay money.

Is it hard to study for RN? ›

Nursing school should be hard. Good programs take a rigorous, immersive approach to preparing you for patient care. There are pressing deadlines to meet, lab skills to master, and challenging exams to take. You may have moments of feeling exhausted, burned out, or defeated.

Is studying to be a nurse difficult? ›

Nursing school is competitive to get into and challenging to get through. Because programs require many credit hours, nursing students sometimes end up taking multiple difficult courses in one semester. Think of late nights studying for exams in addition to clinicals where you'll gain hands-on nursing experience.

What's the easiest type of nurse to become? ›

Occupational Health

One of the easiest nursing jobs to get into is in the field of occupational health. Occupational health nurses work in large industries, HMOs, and factories to treat work-related injuries and onsite illnesses. This type of nurse is employed to keep the workers on the job.

What is the shortest nursing program? ›

ADN and Related Programs

The way to become an RN with the lowest level of education is to go through an associate's degree in nursing or ADN program. Most ADN programs are two years long and are held at community colleges. There are numerous options to choose from, including part-time and full-time programs.

How many hours a day should you study for nursing school? ›

How many hours a day should I study for nursing school? Everyone is different, but in general, it is recommended that nursing school students study anywhere from 2-4 hours a day. Committing class material to memory is essential to becoming a registered nurse, so the more time studying, the better!

Do most people work while in nursing school? ›

Most schools will tell you that it is impossible to work while in nursing school. But is that true? Many students need to work during school, whether to pay for classes, support their family members, or continue to support themselves – they have responsibilities that persist throughout the duration of the program.

Is it possible to be in nursing school and have time for a job? ›

It is possible to work part-time while in nursing school. In fact, it can even be an advantage to find a part-time job in the healthcare field, according to Donna Cardillo, RN, MA, CSP and author.

Why is the first year of nursing so hard? ›

The first year of nursing school is hard because you're starting a new venture. Not only are you learning new information specific to your industry, but you'll also be putting that education into action. Learning facts is much different than practicing them, so stretching yourself in this new way can be demanding.

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